The PhotoVoyages project aimed to involve internationally as many photographers and travelers as possible and allow everyone to conveniently discover new places.
That’s why we’re still looking for new PhotoVoyagers – not just photographers and cameramen lecturers, but also local co-workers who like to help us with the organization, information and tips.
PHOTOGRAPHERS, CAMERAMEN – Everybody who is already organizing his own workshops or wants to get started is welcome. You can invite all interested people also through PhotoVoyages to your workshop, projection, discussion, exhibition or offer your books, calendars, photographs. You can also get involved in creating new workshops and try out the role of a lecturer in rough.
LOCAL CO-OPERATORS – Anyone willing to add a hand to the work! We welcome any help in the places you know best! Whether it’s helping with the organization of new workshop, meeting, exhibitions and projection, as well as providing advice, information and tips.
NEW LOCALITIES – If you have tips for interesting places, you know something interesting or if you have a destination where you would like to look and is not in our offer, share it!
Join us and become one of the PhotoVoyagers!